Several groups of companies operate hospitals in Turkey – Schrack Seconet has already delivered communication solutions for all of them. The latest project is the new Medipol University Hospital in Istanbul. A unique Green Hospital concept was developed for it. Medipol had special requirements for this prestigious public project, which were implemented together with a special approach that puts the focus on Visocall IP: Schrack Seconet's platform, which is directly connected to the hospital information system and the building technology, ensures an automated information flow of vital data and minimises energy consumption.
"We’ve already equipped seven other Medipol hospitals with Visocall IP and are pleased that we've been awarded the contract again for this showcase project – it’s an important confirmation of the quality of our products," says Utku Yüksek, Head of Representative Office Schrack Seconet Turkey. For this hospital, Medipol had a special set of requirements – with the primary goal of avoiding unnecessary energy consumption. Schrack Seconet developed a customised solution for this purpose, and it can also serve as an exemplary model beyond the hospital. Visocall IP forms the central platform that accesses both the hospital information system and the building technology.
As soon as a patient is checked in at the hospital, the hospital information system automatically forwards the name and room number to Visocall IP via an HL7 interface. From here, the central energy supply for the room is automatically activated via KNX. Air conditioning and heating start operating, and the patient can switch on the lights or watch TV. The processes are similar for a transfer to another room or a check-out: The room's power supply is automatically interrupted within a defined period of time.
This avoids unnecessary energy consumption; the systems are only in operation when they are actually needed by the patient or the staff. The hospital staff are equipped with RFID cards for this purpose. They simply hold their card to the reader in a room to activate the power supply. The system offers extensive and customisable options: from unlimited activation to automatic shutdown after a few minutes. This eliminates unnecessary energy consumption, for example, if someone forgets to switch off the lights.
"Medipol really challenged us with this project – we developed our own scenarios and software, which are unique in Turkey, for this hospital and set new standards for sustainable, green hospitals of the future," Utku Yüksek emphasises. The latest project is also a consistent continuation of the previous path, as Schrack Seconet was the first provider to implement IP-based communication systems in Turkey and is now one of the leading international providers in Turkey.
Photo: Schrack Seconet